Group Classes
Book Group Classes with Learning Better
Our courses guide students to become not just successful in examinations but also responsible, independent, critical thinkers who are valuable members of society.
Our team of qualified teachers have decades of experience and includes teacher trainers as well as SQA markers.
Our groups classes are limited to 12 students, offering 7 week blocks with:
– outstanding teaching
– rigorous assessment
– a clear path forward.

P6-P7 Group Classes
Create a long-lasting impact, build a solid skills base and a love of learning before secondary school.
S1-S3 Group Classes
Develop strong study habits early and master key knowledge in advance of National 5 exams.
S4 Group Classes
We know how nerve-wracking exams can be. We teach you how to pass like a professional.
S5 Group Classes
We know how much is at stake in the Higher year. Less time, more pressure. Start Learning Better today.
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At Learning Better, we help every student find their own pathway to success.
We measure our success by your results.
Students Tutored
Exams Passed